Gaza-Israel ...

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I still don't know anyone who supports Hamas...
Simple, Qatar, Iran, and Muslims, rich and poor, everywhere.
This video is for terrorism in Kashmir, but now they will be collecting funds for Hamas and Gaza.
No, just any beggars will not be doing so, they would be killed.
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I meant of us here... I have not seen any pro hamas posts....
Yeah, not part of my narrative.
Your posts have been decidedly anti Israel though and that the Hamas was a result of "oppression". That statement alone would suggest sympathy towards Hamas. I don't want to seem to be calling you out but you saying it's not your narrative seems disingenuous.

Anyone that chooses not to condemn Hamas actions on October 7 as an evil act disturbs me.
I meant of us here... I have not seen any pro hamas posts....
Yeah, not part of my narrative.
Millions in every country. Sure in India, we have more than 170 million Muslims, Communists, Socialists and Indian National Congress.
It is election time. and it pays to support Hamas.
Your posts have been decidedly anti Israel though and that the Hamas was a result of "oppression".
That also is true. Therefore, Modi condemns Hamas and supports Palestinian cause.
Your posts have been decidedly anti Israel though and that the Hamas was a result of "oppression". That statement alone would suggest sympathy towards Hamas. I don't want to seem to be calling you out but you saying it's not your narrative seems disingenuous.

Anyone that chooses not to condemn Hamas actions on October 7 as an evil act disturbs me.
It is possible to see Hamas' Oct 7 act as evil and a result of oppression. Hamas didnt exist before Israel decided already occupied Palestine was now going to be occupied by them. They got the go ahead from UK and the Western govts have mostly passively supported them since. Israel has already technically won the war since they have the stronger military. Even the Hamas attack was prolly the best thing for them recently since it gave the excuse to wipe out Gaza. Yeah, a few politicians will hang for letting Hamas sneak through but in the grand view of Zionism it was a blessing in disguise. Bombs or bulldozers. They'll use any excuse to practice their apartheid and commit genocide.
It is possible to see Hamas' Oct 7 act as evil and a result of oppression.
it is Israel's own fault that Hamas deliberately killed innocent women and children? That is so twisted!

If you were oppressed, would you murder innocent children? If a person from a bad home deliberately kills children, it's not his fault?

Nelson Mandela came out of 27 years imprisonment without telling his followers to go out killing women and children.

It is EVIL to justify what Hamas did by any reasoning whatsoever, imo
Even the Hamas attack was prolly the best thing for them recently since it gave the excuse to wipe out Gaza.
You say!
it was a blessing in disguise
Oh please! This is so twisted.
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..sympathy towards the plight of Palestinians, and NOT sympathy
towards those who are guilty of war crimes .. whoever they may be.
Condemn it from the rooftops, then! Speak out

Do they condemn it in your Mosque? Or do they justify it?

No need reply. Everyone already knows the answer ...
Condemn it from the rooftops, then! Speak out
Is it necessary to even mention that killing non-combatants is evil?
Both sides in this are guilty of war-crimes, imo.

The second world-war started this precedent of bombing cities..
..and it becomes quite political, on who is judged guilty, and who is not.

Fighting between Jewish immigrants and Muslim inhabitants was going on well before
Israel was declared, during the British mandate.

The way forward, is to establish peace .. but that can't happen, until
Jesus returns.
"Zion" cannot be declared .. it must evolve naturally, including the whole population.
Assuming "Zion" is exclusively for only one sect of believers, is rather "forcing the issue".
It cannot succeed, imo.
Israel isn't going anywhere. It is a nation again, in the land of Judea from where it takes its name. From before the Romans mockingly named it Palestine after the Philistines as an insult against the displaced Jewish population in AD 70.

Right or wrong, regardless of the past, Arabs need to accept the fact and start to negotiate with Israel instead of shouting 'death to Jews' and other slogans. Israel isn't going to disappear, imo

But this is just my own opinion.
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I still don't know anyone who supports Hamas...
I've met my colleagues for Juma today. We are a mixed umma of Muslim using Arabic and German, and we talked about this. On the other hand, nobody agreed to the often proclaimed right of existence of Israel, in particular because Israel has no respect for the Palestinians and doesn't respect any right of Palestinians in the occupied territories.
They took the land and even the houses from the people who were in this region for generations.

We agreed that we understand the hatred of the militants of Hamas but none of us supported the recent action of Hamas.

There's nobody who says that they are doing well because it doesn't solve anything but only creates victims on both sides. There is only one Palestinian among us, from Nablus, not Gaza. He would favour a peace agreement with Israel if they agree to give the full freedom to the Palestinians (at the limit even without payment for their land robbery).
Israel isn't going anywhere. It is a nation again, in the land of Judea from where it takes its name..
Like I said .. it is a dispute with no solution .. it will continue until the return
of Jesus, which is getting closer.
i.e. Armageddon draws nigh

..and I don't care about the naysayers (re. armageddon) ..
G-d does what He wills.
Like I said .. it is a dispute with no solution .. it will continue until the return
of Jesus, which is getting closer.
i.e. Armageddon draws nigh

..and I don't care about the naysayers (re. armageddon) ..
G-d does what He wills.
Politics is the art of the possible. There can't be a solution until the Arab nations acknowledge the existence of Israel -- right or wrong -- and start again from there

Always just my own thoughts
I'm listening to a series on Ezekiel right now. Israel isn't going anywhere and there will be peace eventually. That being said the conflict with the Arabs (and the world)is not yet over. It's interesting because what I've read is that Ezekiel almost didn't make it into the canon because of the description of the new temple described doesn't match the original..
Religious people follow all sorts of prophecies. They're irrelevant to real world politik, imo.
Religious people follow all sorts of prophecies. They're irrelevant to real world politik, imo.
You are entitled to your opinion but for me the fact that after 2 thousand years.. maintaining their culture, religion and language being spread out all over the world and to return to the same land is for us to know what time it is. Christians are told to look for these signs. It gives us hope and builds our faith.
The Jews are a historical nation and their ancestral homeland is Judea. Regardless of prophecy or scripture. They are back there, and it's unlikely they're going to move.

The rest is open to negotiation?
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