End Goals of Your Faith?

I am interested in knowing what your religion/faith's End Goal is in regards to your physical demise (Death)?

I am an adherent of the Left Hand Path and my belief lies in the transference of my conscious awareness to my Greater Self/GodSelf and the individual Subjective Reality I am creating. For us, this is the form of Self-Deification spoken about with LHP Adherents.

What are your Beliefs?
It depends on a person. For all it is fulfillment of one's duties. Otherwise it can vary, merging with the universal spirit, being in proximity of the universal spirit of one's chosen God or Goddess, and for me as an atheist Hindu, understanding life (which I have already done).

I am a person of science. For me, this is the only life. After death, my body will disintegrate and the molecules will disperse in the environment. They would not come together again, so that is the end of the individuality of Aupmanyav.

I do not believe in God, soul, birth and death, heaven and hell, judgement and punishment, end of days and resurrection/reincarnation. We are a story of continuous change since 13.78 billion years ago when inflation took place and will continue for many more billions of years. So, in a way, what constitutes us is already eternal.
It has nothing to do with the left hand path.
The things that will cause you the most problems will be shame, guilt, bullheadedness, envy and pride these are the ones you must avoid.

Dear powessy

I thank God for the opportunity to be able to share some questions with you. Firstly, thank you for bringing your very interesting spiritual ''skill-set'' into a public forum rather than sitting in a cave as many Holy Men choose to do. I have read some of your recent posts, and which to humbly request if you could share some insight with me.

From the quoted posts it appears to me that you say shame and pride are to be avoided. But when your one post was replied to with ''it is not relevant'', you defended yourself. My question is how you bring together not having shame or pride but at the same time not allowing yourself to be disrespected. I often wonder about these things but feel they are beyond me.

I would also like to ask about your profile picture. As you clearly show a high level of spiritual wisdom, you must also be aware that your picture is tamasic. So the second question is how you bring together a form of spiritual practice which is very mind-based while at the same time no caring for tamas?

Thank you for your time. May your spiritual progress greatly aid yourself and others.
Dear powessy

I thank God for the opportunity to be able to share some questions with you. Firstly, thank you for bringing your very interesting spiritual ''skill-set'' into a public forum rather than sitting in a cave as many Holy Men choose to do. I have read some of your recent posts, and which to humbly request if you could share some insight with me.

From the quoted posts it appears to me that you say shame and pride are to be avoided. But when your one post was replied to with ''it is not relevant'', you defended yourself. My question is how you bring together not having shame or pride but at the same time not allowing yourself to be disrespected. I often wonder about these things but feel they are beyond me.

I would also like to ask about your profile picture. As you clearly show a high level of spiritual wisdom, you must also be aware that your picture is tamasic. So the second question is how you bring together a form of spiritual practice which is very mind-based while at the same time no caring for tamas?

Thank you for your time. May your spiritual progress greatly aid yourself and others.

As they would explain pride, “ I am so many more minds then you are, I can figure things out so many more times then you can, I can become myself so many more times then you”. The way I look at pride is you see yourself to the far right of the bell curve. As for shame, I try to do only the things that makes me feel good about myself. As for defending myself I don’t believe that by doing so was shameful or prideful. We all come here with at least a partially full cup of ideas that we have gained in our lives, I try very hard not to step on them, since all these ideas on religion are personal truths and not backed in science.

As for my profile picture it reminds me of the path I am on and where things started for me. The shadows in the image I refer to them as the twelve. The twelve were immortal men raised to great power to help men become themselves aside angels but they became corrupted with power. The image shows them with many minds on their mind this would be what i would kind of look like if you were to try to figure me out. My mind has mostly treemends on it and not yourselves this would be the main difference. The twelve were the first minds they ripped apart when this all began for me, and the profile image is only a reminder of that beginning. I have thought to change this image, with a less darker image, thanks for asking about it.

The question was "what your religion/faith's End Goal is in regards to your physical demise (Death)?"

I'm going home. That is my answer.

If you press to describe the ineffable and unknowable, how can anyone answer? You don't know any more than I do, none of us do.

I just know I'm going home, back to the Source from which I came.
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Having issues with understanding concordance and hebrew on that one...
Check out "Well of Souls" sometime. Something I learned from Bananabrain.

Here you go: Guf - Wikipedia

I mean, what does one expect for an answer? Heaven? Valhalla? Xanadu? The Elysian Fields? Hades? Gehenna? A hole in the ground?

None of us knows. We can only hope.

The only thing I know is I will return to the Source from which I came. I hope it is a joyous reunion.

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Check out "Well of Souls" sometime. Something I learned from Bananabrain.

Here you go: Guf - Wikipedia

I mean, what does one expect for an answer? Heaven? Valhalla? Xanadu? The Elysian Fields? Hades? Gehenna? A hole in the ground?

None of us knows. We can only hope.

The only thing I know is I will return to the Source from which I came. I hope it is a joyous reunion.

The question was intended to reveal people's religious (or non-religious) philosophies regarding spiritual goals and the afterlife (should there be one), not to debate what happens after Death.
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I have no clue what that means.
"my conscious awareness to my Greater Self/GodSelf and the individual Subjective Reality I am creating"
Reality takes place when we are consciously aware of it. The more conscious we are of something, the more real it becomes for us and that something becomes empowered through our conscious awareness of it.

That said, in LHP Beliefs, we do not have an external deity in the traditional sense, we have an Isolate Consciousness (psyche, soul, godself, higher self, etc.) to which we strive to become more and more consciously aware of and bring It further into our current existence.

While we do this during our lifetime, we are also designing and becoming consciously aware of our subjective universe (our unique personal perspective and experience) of the objective universe (things are as they "are." Time, space, matter, energy, etc.). Upon physical death, we unite our consciousness with our Isolate Consciousness and emerge as the deity of our subjective universe.

I have zero expectations as to what happens after death other than my body decomposing (centuries of evidence to that). But as to soul, life, consciousness... I know there are many who wish for or rather believe in a certain outcome...

Being a gambler I think I could bet against them all and believe the odds of me being correct will be well over 90%.
I'd take that bet! Name something, anything, that just ends? Nothing simply ends, it becomes something else, you know the energy concept. Attach consciousness to this idea and something that is still you will emerge. Since nothing really ends, the odds of one thing (you) ending is very unfavorable.

But if my wishes were to come true I would hope you are all transported thru a wormhole to a universe where your beliefs are correct.
"Dreams can come true, they can happen to you" ;)
I believe in eternal oblivion. I have no end-goal as far as an afterlife is concerned.

However, there are two responses to this. There is the hylic response and the pneumatic response:

Hylicoi believe that they will cease to exist as an individual. That everything that defines them will be gone.

Pneumaticoi see themselves as merely parts of the One. To them, death is seen more as a return to where we came from, which is the same oblivion you remember before your life.

"You came from nothing and you return to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!"

The actual fate is the same for both. The only difference is perspective.
"You came from nothing and you return to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!"
This assumes we came from nothing. Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit or "nothing comes from nothing", which means that all things were formed from preexisting things; an idea by the Greek philosopher Parmenides (c.540-480 BC)
What is the religious significance of the double-slit experiment? I studied it as a way to demonstrate the non-intuitive characteristics of radiation, but that was in a different, scientific context.
That reality is forged by our conscious awareness of it.
"You came from nothing and you return to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!"
This assumes we came from nothing. Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit or "nothing comes from nothing", which means that all things were formed from preexisting things; an idea by the Greek philosopher Parmenides (c.540-480 BC)

I don't believe that everything came from nothing in a literal sense. I believe that matter forms to generate consciousness in our brains. When we die, that consciousness is no longer generated. We can compare what it's like to have no consciousness to the state before we gained consciousness, as well as to dreamless sleep.

As for my cosmogony, I don't think it makes sense to say that spacetime came from anything. Causality requires time. How can something cause causality without causality? You can't be "before time" since there are no moments in time that precede time.

That doesn't mean that we came from nothing. It means that we didn't come from anything.
..You can't be "before time" since there are no moments in time that precede time.
Well, what is "a moment" ?
The problem here is equating physical, measured time with philosophical time.
Philosophical time cannot be measured. It equates to the "I am" as in G-d being eternal. :)