"Hi" On behalf of Pattimax

I always wondered why it was called homecoming :eek: You learn something new every day
I always wondered why it was called homecoming :eek: You learn something new every day

The "home coming" also involves an American football game between two schools, and a "ballroom dance" and dinner, where everyone decks out in their tuxedos and dinner gowns. A Home coming king and queen are usually elected and crowned during the dance. At the US military academies it is usually called a "Ring" dance. This is when the senior cadets receive their comissioning ring. Often, wedding proposals are offered during this dance and evening out.


The "home coming" also involves an American football game between two schools, and a "ballroom dance" and dinner, where everyone decks out in their tuxedos and dinner gowns. A Home coming king and queen are usually elected and crowned during the dance. At the US military academies it is usually called a "Ring" dance. This is when the senior cadets receive their comissioning ring. Often, wedding proposals are offered during this dance and evening out.



Thanks Q. So is the dance and ballgame etc, all a celebration of the end of school year and return to the family?

We Brits are rather simple people we used to have an 'End of Year Disco' - doesn't quite have the same ring to it. :eek:

MW- What was before disco?

A thing called a Toddle Inn & Dance. Toddle Inn's were drinks bars where you went to drink hot orange and eat ice cream. Dance's were held in the village Hall. That is how my parents celebrated their end of school years, a dance at the village hall then off to the Toddle Inn for a hot orange - wow they knew how to live it up.

Then of course rock and roll arrived from the US and all hell broke loose :p