

Tell Deb that both my wife and I will hold her up in our prayers, and take good care of yourself right now too.

all my love
Randy any updates?

At this point she is in stable condition. Her creatinine levels got up to 11 at one point but have gone back down to a 9 which is a good sign, although still very high (A level of 1 is normal). Her kidneys are still functioning and she has been put back on solid food.
She is in very good spirits and she goes outside a couple of times a day, although she tires pretty easily.

So thanks everyone and continue to keep her in your prayers.
Deb is in my thoughts as well. She has always helped to my make my experience at C-R an uplifting one, even when that wasn't easy, or when she knew she might take some flak for it.

I know that she is in Good hands, and I wish her all the best.

Love and Light,

She is in very good spirits and she goes outside a couple of times a day, although she tires pretty easily.

Dear Jack,

our thoughts are with Deborah and yourself. From the above she sounds like a true spiritual soldier.

Hare Krishna

... Neemai.
Prayers continue for Deb. I offer this scripture in hope:

"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.
And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation. And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation." - II Corinthians 1:3-7

Sorry that I missed this thread up till now. Please convey to Debbie that I look forward to her swift return here and that my thoughts are with her, you and your family. All here who know Debbie even a little know how special an individual she is and I too would like to express my love and deep respect for her at this difficult time. She is a shining beacon of pure goodness who can teach probably every one of us something about love. InLove IsLove in her every word. Hurry back dear.

she is such a gentle and gracious soul - sending my aloha and prayers, pohaikawahine
To the family of InLove,
She will be up and around sooner than you think. She is being watched over. ;)

She is going to be just fine. Trust me on that...:)

Hello All,

Haven't been around for a while but I can't just look over this post and not share my love. In the midst of all our ideas and strife for achievement, real life is occuring and our dear buddy InLove and her family is living it. Lets keep them and she alive and well.

InLove is high-spirited so all is well.

My heart is pouring out for the family. Believe: Everything is good.


At this point she is in stable condition. Her creatinine levels got up to 11 at one point but have gone back down to a 9 which is a good sign, although still very high (A level of 1 is normal). Her kidneys are still functioning and she has been put back on solid food.
She is in very good spirits and she goes outside a couple of times a day, although she tires pretty easily.

So thanks everyone and continue to keep her in your prayers.

I haven't been around for a while and am deeply shocked and concerned by this news.

I beg you, please pass this message to Deb for me:

Alfa salaam my dear sister, habibty

Be strong, trust G-d. Forget everything we have ever been taught about religion and just trust G-d, He will take care of you if you trust Him.

You are a rare light in this dark world and I pray for your swift recovery so you may rejoin your other family here at CR.

Ana bahebek

Randy I shall go to shower and pray now. All the best to your family, you are all in my prayers.

Please tell Deb that she is in my prayers. I have been gone a long time and missed her, and this news deeply concerns me, though I trust God to care for her (and you all) and I know that she is a wonderfully loving and strong person. Her words have always been a source of wisdom, love, and joy to me. I pray for calm and strength for you all, and joy in each day.

Love to her and all your family,
Anyone got any news about Deb? Am just a tad anxious here.