
Dear Jack,

Your strength is as hers.

I never fully appreciated how ill she was and I do wish I had, so I might have told her myself how special I thought her.

InLove... you remain here in part, your posts as fresh as the day you typed them. None who read you regularly will ever forget you. And sometimes there just are no words. Sweet dreams.

I've long said I would rather my friends celebrate my life when the time comes.

Now that time is come for a friend, and my heart is so heavy it is hard for me to celebrate. My sorrow is my selfishness in not having her around to add to what we have to say. For InLove's spirit I rejoice in the freedom from earthly bonds.

InLove is always such a joy to read, I looked forward to everything she wrote. That is how I will remember her. I will miss her very much. Randy, you are a very lucky guy to have had her in your life. You have my condolences.

I hope you don't mind I borrowed the pic from the other thread:


  • Getting%20Tired%20of%20Darkening%20My%20Hair.jpg
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Randy - We are all embracing you, your family and Deb.

Deb - You made me feel welcome when I joined here, always a warm and shining presence and this will continue. I shall always read your posts.

In Love, at peace.

I'll never forget you Deb. You were like sunshine here. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Thank you for being here for me. Thank you for being you, you were and are a great inspiration.

My condolences to you and your family, Randy.

I remember Deb's first shy appearance here, and how her posts blossomed and grew and brought so much understanding and compassion to this forum. We had a number of wonderful PM chats and we always would pretend we were sitting on her proch with a lemonade (or on some days something stronger), and even while she was sick she seemed more concerned about me than about herself...which is just one aspect of how true she her username here.

I changed my avi to the luna cake she made me for my birthday just a few months ago. Wish I had changed it sooner.

My tribute to you Deb, the prayer of St. Francis, whose spirit you brought to life here at Comparative Religion. I celebrate and honor your life, and am happy for you to be resting in your dear mom's arms.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
I have been thinking about Deb a lot in the past twenty-four hours. I knew she was quite ill, but it is hard to believe that she has passed on. I feel fortunate to have encountered her. As many have said, her warm spirit filled these forums with a unique love and compassion. She made me feel very welcome back after a long absence. It seems strange knowing that she has moved on, yet hers is a spirit that definitely lives on in all the lives she touched.

My thoughts and prayers are with Deb, you, and your family and friends, Randy.

I havent had a chance to catch up ;on some of my usual cr stuff and now I find this. so very sad. inlove was full of strength and her compassion was evident in her posts. Ill always remember her.
"Imagine the beauty of it -
that moment when the soul
of a loved one
returns to the stars,
the voices each whispering,
I remember you."

If I may grant InLove a Hawaiian name "Noelani" (mist of heaven) .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine
I just had a :p thought cross my mind (please bear with me for a moment): InLove and Prober are probably together discussing both things we're discussing on this site and Chris & Randy (China Cat Sunflower & Jack Halyard) whilst preparing for the holiday season "up there".

I know. :p thought. *heads straight for Mope Corner, :kitty: in tow*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Deb, you were our sweet songbird and we hardly knew ye'. But the small parts of you that we came to know will lift us all higher than we were and will enable us to go on, and on.

Farewell, but never goodbye my dear person. I'll be sure to look you up someday on the other side of the veil.

If I may grant InLove a Hawaiian name "Noelani" (mist of heaven) .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine

I think she would have loved that, it is the first time I have thought of her since her passing and smiled, instead of crying. :)
Dear friends,

I want to thank you so much for your outpouring of condolences and messages of support. It means a lot to me at this time.

Deb's service was very beautiful and it was indeed a celebration of her life.
The kids have been hanging out with me and we're very much supporting one another.

I love all you guys.
Thank you so much for your kindess, Randy, in letting us know how things have been going. My prayers are with you and your children. We all love you, too, and are so grateful to not only have shared some of Deb's life, but also to be a part of celebrating and memorializing her life upon her passing to the afterlife.

Peace and Blessings,
Randy...I'm once again sending thoughts of love to you and your family. We have all been lifted up by Deb's life in so many ways. I especially enjoyed and appreciated her recipies and stories about her "kitchen" works and loves.

Always remember that we are all always here whenever you may need us, 24/7/365 . And thank you for letting us know how things are going. Take it slow and easy whenever you can brother.

I want to post something by InLove that I think expresses in her own words what kind of seeker she was. It is from the Except Ye Be Converted thread:

InLove said:
What to do, then? Well, I knew that Christ had always been there in my heart. So I decided to ask Him. About a year ago, I was literally on what might very well have been my deathbed—lots of people thought so, including some doctors. I asked God to please not let me leave this life without reconciling this confusion.. I needed to know. And I saw a hand reach out to me, and I heard a voice that said, “Well, then come on, my child—you are in for a wonderful adventure!” So here I am telling you that the adventure has indeed been wonderful, and that even though I have been speaking “Christian” throughout this post, I can now say with confidence that religion can sometimes get in the way of Truth. I am not saying that all things regarding religion are bad. What I am saying is that by examining my religion with the curiosity of a child, and trusting that there is Love and Mercy to be embraced, I find that once again Truth shines through. And it shines through in other religions, as well. I can even find it in some philosophies that do not even describe Truth in terms of “God”. But Truth is Truth. If we earnestly seek it, it will be revealed.

I guess she had enough time to finish the adventure. May that adventure continue wherever you are, Deb.

Love & Peace,

Randy, my prayers and deepest sympathy are with you and your family. I've been gone from CR for a while and haven't seen this thread until now. I will miss her so much. Deb was and is one of a kind and one of the gentlest and most loving souls I have ever encountered. She sent me a number of encouraging PMs at times when I was going through difficulties - I'm so glad I saved them all. We had never even met each other but she believed in me and believed in my abilities and goals. Now, of course, I wish I'd PMed her more often, but I am so grateful for the contact we had. I am a stronger person and my life is richer for having known her. I know she knows I love her, but I still wish I could tell her one more time.

I just went trolling back through my PM's and found a couple that exemplify InLove's constant concern for others, and her sprightly wit. If others of you have InLove PM's to share that you're not embarassed about, please put them up. Re-reading some of them from her and my answers to them brought her powerful essence back again for me.


InLove said:


Deb (I forgot to sign my name) :)

I'm just making sure you are okay. I don't know why, but I thought maybe you were feeling a bit down? Hope I'm wrong.

Love you.

Deb...nothing ever gets me totally down these days. I'm usually just kind of "comfortably numb". I'm helping it along right this minute with a cold Rolling Rock. You know when bad stuff happens at our age you usually just accept it and move on. What else can be done ? I know that you know ALL about that.

I guess I'm just real pissed about how our leaders are misuing the gifts that they have been given, and all because of greed and lust for power...but what else is new ?

You've got a remarkable emotional radar set going on down there in Houston, but really I'm doing ok for a geezer on the downslope. I still get to hug my 90 year old Mom at least twice a day. That alone keeps me going sometimes because I'm "real easy". Thanks for your sense of care and your love.

Love you too, sister..
Date : 2006-12-25 09:45

Title : Re: Open to Find Out

InLove said:
Merry Christmas, You Old Fart!!!

Hehehehehehe--couldn't help myself!:)




Thanks Debora... And May you and yours have this and many, many more together in the years and decades to come. Thank you from the top of my heart my friend.

Love and peace to you and JH.