Can Gays be Cured?

Well, I would try to find some way to sit by Sally and drink our lattes together, although if she insisted on keeping her face covered, I would find it difficult to carry on a normal conversation with her.
I would also find it difficult to "shake hands" with someone who thinks my body is more important than my soul in determining what I "should" do.

You'd try... You trooper you!

Nice to see Penguins getting a mention :)

Penguins are a bit fruity..

Dont think I'm gay or anything....but nice to see our penguin back :)

Tao missed the penguin :/
You can sip your latte in the corner by yourself.

It's pretty hard to kiss and make up with bigotry, no matter how politely it extends its hand.
MW is no bigot. If you had met her, and I have, you would know that in no time flat. I do understand why you think so though.
Don't have the batteries to read all of this,just 19(!)or so pages...

Doesn't matter if it has been proven to have a genetic componant or not.
What matters is that Human Beings do it, without harming anyone.
I'm choice, I think...
All the proscriptions and prescriptions are cultural...and thus, open for review on an individual basis.
Almost all the "reasons" I've seen as to why non-hetero is "wrong" derive from fear and mythology.

I think violence, and it's prevalence, should be the thing we endeavor to "stamp out".

Is there an Authoritarian Gene?

As for the health problems attributed to "anal", there are health problems associated w/i hetero, missionary, plain-jane sex as well...
Tearing of tissue, PH imbalances leading to infection, etc.

Re: the island of can be argued that this myth was reworked after the Dorian (I think) invasion, to bolster the male-dominated culture of the Dorians.
Same way many "conservatives" consider Hillary Clinton a man eating lesbian..

And how does one get the little ,red "flame level" thingy?lol.
This has been a difficult thread. I'm tired of trying to understand other people's point of view. I just want to watch TV.
You'd try... You trooper you!
Well, she makes it difficult. I don't know if she'd insist on the mask on her face, which is intended to signal unwillingness to converse and would certainly have that effect, or if she'd be expecting me to forget all about her unasked-for intrusiveness.
MW is no bigot.
You mean she's not bigoted against you.
She shares the same bigotry you have, and since you can't recognize it in yourself, naturally you don't see it in others.
bob x and MW,

Seeing as all of this is in cyberspace, I'll be a gay Muslim and brew the coffee.

How's that? :)


well, I have just read every page here, all 36 of them... and while I am not saying anything new, I will say this...

a forum is a place for...opinions... while we might not agree with everyone, we don't actually have to... we're all entitled to think, and say, more or less what we like... isn't it wonderful!

Tao says he sees the gays in his villiage acting like Vogue-ing Bonobo's on E... I live 200 miles away, and most of the gays in my villiage are exactly the same- is there just the one bad gay gang, promiscuous, drug taking travelling queens who visit the pubs and clubs in different cities on a mission to make the good gays look bad? come on... stereotypes exist because ppl really do act in such ways... hes not a bigot for pointing it out...

BobX... you made me laugh out loud when you said... "it hurts my heart", etc etc... hahaahahaaa... hilarity to the max... in my opinion thats part of the reason why gays have such a hard time... you take yourselves far too seriously, and then get over-dramatic about all these assumed slights and assaults on ur rights... so u like men... so what? how does a simple little act of putting your willy somewhere define your whole being? u hate my heart, the core of my being... lol... but hey, muslimwoman lives in a shapeless sack (how gay of you to make derogatory remarks about a persons style of dress!)... but that's okay... ur own bigotry is cancelled out because u like bum-love...

PM.. I loved ur off the cuff- "hey BobX, u haven't got laid for a while- how about giving girls another try!" absolute classic... I think u missed the point he was making though, PM...

in my opinion, being gay is a choice... u fancy boys or girls as is ur way... I, nor anybody else, has the right to tell you what to think or believe, even if you're wrong... who you fancy depends on who u are... there is no innate gayness- its a load of crap... u choose to be gay, or straight, because of the prevailing assumptions of your society and culture intersecting with your exposure to it... end of... gay, straight, bi-sexual... all choice... u choose to be one way or the other- or in the case of bi- why choose at all?

none of it matters, really- it matters only when ppl are discriminated against... all human beings should have the same rights, regardless of their sexual orientation... end of...

as for hetero males being "scared" of the idea of anal sex? hahahahaa... what u mean is... u want other people to think ur scared of anal sex, so they will ID you as a straight... no big deal. Just be honest about it.

this thread will resurface again, in a few months, and we'll go through the whole "it's unnatural" "it's genetic" "its choice" gumph all over again... and again...

much better a question to ask would be... "can morons be cured?"...
You can sip your latte in the corner by yourself.

It's pretty hard to kiss and make up with bigotry, no matter how politely it extends its hand.

I was really sad to read that Zen.

You need to understand that Bob and I both have strong opinions about certain topics and in ways are just as bad as each other, as we have both proved time and again on this forum. Just because we do not like something we each do, doesn't mean we dislike each other as people. I would love to meet Bobx, it would be a challenge for us both but I feel sure a rewarding one where we come away as friends that still object to something about the others actions/lifestyle.

Well, I would try to find some way to sit by Sally and drink our lattes together, although if she insisted on keeping her face covered, I would find it difficult to carry on a normal conversation with her.
I would also find it difficult to "shake hands" with someone who thinks my body is more important than my soul in determining what I "should" do.

Thank you Bobx. Although as I wear niqab I wouldn't shake hands with you anyway :p:D

Actually I believe your soul is immensely more important than your body which is why I have such opinions about what your physical body may be doing for your soul in the next life ... but that is just my personal belief and the silly thing is if a bunch of Muslims were baying for your blood I would be the first in line to defend your right to make your own (in my opinion) choices.
MW is no bigot. If you had met her, and I have, you would know that in no time flat. I do understand why you think so though.

Thank you Tao and it is one reason I would love to meet Bobx, so he can see that, as you did when we met.

(by the way we're having another do on 18th July ... can you make it?)
or if she'd be expecting me to forget all about her unasked-for intrusiveness.

Oh come now Bobx, you can hardly post such personal information about yourself on an open public forum and then try to suggest only people who agree with you should comment.
You need to understand that Bob and I both have strong opinions about certain topics...

Likewise, I have very strong opinions about certain topics.

Sometimes opinions are merely a matter of intellectual debate. Sometimes the issues cut more deeply. This is one of them.

Plumbing is not a reason to deny basic civil rights. It wasn't long ago that your plumbing barred you from opportunities and I staunchly supported your right to access and inclusion. As MLK once implied, it's not the color of our skin, or our gender, or who we love... it's the content of our character.
I was really sad to read that Zen.

You need to understand that Bob and I both have strong opinions about certain topics and in ways are just as bad as each other, as we have both proved time and again on this forum. Just because we do not like something we each do, doesn't mean we dislike each other as people. I would love to meet Bobx, it would be a challenge for us both but I feel sure a rewarding one where we come away as friends that still object to something about the others actions/lifestyle.

Thank you Bobx. Although as I wear niqab I wouldn't shake hands with you anyway :p:D

Actually I believe your soul is immensely more important than your body which is why I have such opinions about what your physical body may be doing for your soul in the next life ... but that is just my personal belief and the silly thing is if a bunch of Muslims were baying for your blood I would be the first in line to defend your right to make your own (in my opinion) choices.
Bob, eats Chinese and was willing to spend an evening with me and mine (and Greymare), listening to dittys from "Blackthorn" in an Irish pub in Detroit...he was also quite willing to discuss just about everything under the sun, and was a pleasure to spend time with...yeah he's there, but you couldn't




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Plumbing is not a reason to deny basic civil rights. It wasn't long ago that your plumbing barred you from opportunities and I staunchly supported your right to access and inclusion. As MLK once implied, it's not the color of our skin, or our gender, or who we love... it's the content of our character.

Sorry Zen but you're just sounding hysterical again and I'm not going to keep fighting about this just so you have something to rant about. Ok so you have a bee in your bonnet about this but I have just re-read the posts I've made on this thread and have at no time attempted to or suggested that any of a gay persons civil rights be removed. What I was defending is a persons right to express their opinion that the act of homosexuality, as a sexual act, is a choice and is wrong.

Bob chose to say he was gay and even discuss intimate details about his sexual conduct, he was not "outed" and therefore invited comments on the subject ... as I do when I talk about the way I dress or my religious beliefs. If I decide to talk about my sexuality on an open forum then I should logically expect a variety of opinions, if I don't want them I shouldn't mention my personal life and certainly can't complain when I get opinions that hurt my feelings (as long as they are not intended to be offensive).

Great picture Q, not a single tenticle or forked tail in sight. I'm going to guess Bob is the chap with glasses (not based on sexual preference).
What I was defending is a persons right to express their opinion that the act of homosexuality, as a sexual act, is a choice and is wrong.

Hi Muslimwoman, I have been reading some of your posts and you are clearly a very intelligent woman. So just out of curiousity, do you mean that one's innate sexuality, be it heterosexual or homosexual is a choice ? And also, could you please explain how you know that this is their choice and not some inherent genetic character trait ? Have you studied the genetics of homosexuality ?

Sorry Zen but you're just sounding hysterical again and I'm not going to keep fighting about this just so you have something to rant about.

Yes... ranting... about judging a person by the content of their character... it's really quite "hysterical".

I'll walk with MLK any day. That's a pretty easy choice to make.

I don't know who you're walking with MW... but I do know that I'm not joining you on that path.